Friday, January 4, 2013

Robin Palmer is So Happy to be Attending TEDActive! For TEDYou.mp4

Robin Palmer is so excited to be attending TEDActive and shares about her TEDxTalk - "Robin Palmer - The Most Important Minutes of Your Day" for TEDYou

Research shows that your mind is the most open and vulnerable when you are transitioning from your subconscious state to consciousness and visa versa. Ironically, most people wake up with blaring buzzers and "alarming" news on radio and TV and watch the news before going to sleep at night. Sleep deprivation and insomnia affects millions of people and is a leading health risk for Americans. Robin shares how to start and end every day positively to optimize the rest of your day and enjoy a great night's sleep - safely and naturally - without the risky side effects from sleep medications. She includes several wake up and bedtime 5-minute exercise examples from leading thought leaders and a short meditation for the day.

Robin starred in Broadway musicals for 15 years and invented and patented My Wake UPCall Motivational Alarm Clock Messages and My Good Night Messages - 5 minute daily automated Mp3 messages that start and end every day positively! Robin has also just written and recorded My Inspirational Lullabies - an album of new inspiring lullabies for dreamers of all ages.

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