Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My photo with Rev. Michael Beckwith

I am so grateful to have participated in Mary Morrissey's 2010 Miracle Mastery event! I keep thinking about the circle of light that shines next to Reverend Michael Beckwith's head in this photo! I took several photos that day, even in that room, and this is the only photo with a circle of light in it!

I have shared this photo with several friends. Some have called it a modern day halo. Some have said it is called an orb. Reverend Michael Beckwith has a genuine aura of an angelic presence when you are with him. I keep feeling that his countenance says it all. So does that circle of light! :)

I have been on the planet for several decades now. I have yet to see a circle of light by my head in a photo. It is an excellent goal! :)