Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Video of Robin Palmer with Her Dog, Faith - Miraculous True Story About Faith's Healing (mywakeupcalls.net)


Happy Holidays to you and your family! We have two beloved dogs, Hope and Faith. This is a miraculous true story about Faith's healing. 
Faith and Hope are both 8-year old Maltese dogs. Recently, Faith developed a really bad herniated disk in her neck.  We noticed a large bulge in the back of her neck.  And all of a sudden, she would take two steps and fall onto her side when she tried to walk.  It felt devastating.  We saw vets and an animal neurologist. They all told us that she would have to have surgery and then be put in a cage for six weeks and not be able to move at all. She would literally be drugged during this time to ensure she would not move at all. The neurologist said that the best case scenario was that she may walk normally again, but there were no guarantees. Yikes! That was not an acceptable treatment plan to me. 
I have personally experienced the benefits of Pranic Healing. So I asked Pranic Healers Ellen and Ray Morano if they could help Faith. They responded, “Absolutely. Pranic Healing works on animals and people.” And I did not tell Faith, “OK. You have to believe in this. You have to cooperate with the healing.” I did not say anything like that to Faith. Literally, Ray did Pranic Healing on her and remarked, “Robin, the lump is gone. “ And yes, the lump was gone! And Faith miraculously walks and runs normally again. She is back to being herself. One of her favorite things is to run really fast around our house with this huge non-stop grin on her face. She is running and grinning again, and she’s not in pain. Best of all, she’s not in a neck brace or going through surgery.  
If you would like more information, check out www.EllenMorano.com or www.YourHandsCanHealYou.com.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Save 50% on My Wake UP Call & My Good Night Messages - Mp3s & CDs at MyWakeUPCalls.net!

#BlackFriday #CyberMonday - Save 50% on All of MY WAKE UP CALL Motivational Alarm Clock Messages, My Good Night Messages & My Inspirational Lullabies (Mp3s or CDs) @www.MyWakeUPCalls.net & www.MyGoodNightMessages.com. Now you can start and end every day well AND save 50%, while supplies last! Use Coupon Code HAPPYHOLIDAYS50 when prompted at checkout.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Just in Time for the Holidays - Start & End Every Day Well w/ My Wake UP Call & My Good Night Messages & Save 50% @MyWakeUPCalls.net

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! We are so thankful for you! Please enjoy 50% OFF EVERYTHING in our store this weekend, while supplies last!

Just in time for the holidays - Now you can start and end every day well with
My Wake UP Call® Messages, My Good Night Messages AND My Inspirational Lullabies, my new album of inspiring original lullabies for dreamers of all ages. I starred in Broadway musicals for 15 years so I know you'll enjoy sweet dreams with My Inspirational Lullabies!

AND this weekend only, SAVE 50% on EVERYTHING at our online store, while supplies last! Use Coupon Code
HAPPYHOLIDAYS50 when prompted at checkout.

Research shows that our minds are the most open during the first few minutes and the last few minutes of the day, when we are transitioning between the subconscious mind and consciousness.

Since our minds are the most open and impressionable when we start and end each day, they are invaluable times to program ourselves with positive thoughts, gratitude, meditation and affirmations. Ironically, most people wake up with blaring buzzers and begin and finish every day with the news. If you don't want your subconscious stuck on negative news, choose to focus your subconscious positively, instead.

Now, you and your loved ones can start every day positively with My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages AND enjoy a great night's sleep every night with our BRAND NEW nightly messages - My Good Night Messages and My Inspirational Lullabies.

Psychoneurologist, Dr. Sylva Dvorak, and I have researched and created a safe and sound sleep solution for you. My Good Night Messages are patented nightly five-minute messages with sleep tips, tools, meditations and include My Inspirational Lullabies. Hear message samples at www.MyGoodNightMessages.com and at www.MyWakeUPCalls.net.

We are so thankful for you! SAVE 50% on EVERYTHING at www.MyWakeUPCalls.net and www.MyGoodNightMessages.com this weekend - while supplies last! Use Coupon Code HAPPYHOLIDAYS50 when prompted at checkout.

With gratitude!

Robin B. Palmer
President; My Successables Inc.
Inventor; My Wake UP Call®
Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages
My Good Night Messages
My Inspirational Lullabies
Patent # 8,064,295

PS - 
Listen to message samples at www.MyWakeUPCalls.net and www.MyGoodNightMessages.com. Please contact me with any questions or for assistance with your order at 805.796.8201.

I recently had the honor of performing a TEDxTalk - "Robin Palmer - The Most Important Minutes of Your Day." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3B02MNuAmQ

Patent # 8,064,295- Motivational Alarm: “Motivational Messages Plus Alarm, Not Restricted to Wake Up.” My Wake UP Call®  and Motivational Alarm Clock® are registered trademarks for My Wake UP Call owned by My Successables Inc. ©2012 My Successables Inc. All rights reserved... 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Safe and Sound Sleep Solutions- My Good Night Messages

Enjoy the good night's sleep you have been dreaming of - safely and naturally - with My Good Night Messages. Each evening 5-minute message includes My Inspirational Messages, new original inspiring lullabies for dreamers of all ages, written and recorded by Broadway star, Robin (Boudreau) Palmer. www.MyGoodNightMessages.com

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Robin Palmer, Dr. Sylva Dvorak with dogs, Faith, Hope and Angel for My Good Night Messages @ www.MyGoodNightMessages.com

Robin Palmer, Dr. Sylva Dvorak with dogs, Faith, Hope and Angel for My Good Night Messages @ http://www.MyGoodNightMessages.com
"Robin Palmer here with My Wake UP Call Motivational Alarm Clock messages at http://www.MyWakeUPCalls.com. I am here with Dr. Sylva Dvorak, the co-writer and co-narrator of My Good Night Messages. Yay! We just finished them and they are wonderful. They are going to change so many people’s lives. You know it turns out that sleep is really an issue for so many people because of stress and all kinds of issues. And these messages are here to solve that problem and I know that they will. Why don’t you tell the folks about My Good Night Messages?
My Good Night Messages™ are all about going to bed with a positive message. Just as is important to wake up and hear positive messages to start the day off, it is just as important to go to bed at night with a positive message that will help you to sleep well, sleep deeply and ready to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and positive.
It really matters how you sleep at night. So you can go to www.mywakeupcalls.com or www.mywakeupcalls.net and you can listen to the message samples there. We know you’ll love them. And we know you’ll really enjoy getting a wonderful night’s sleep.

You deserve it. Have a wonderful day and we’ll talk with you soon!
Thanks, Dr.! Thank you, Robin. Oh by the way, this is Faith, Hope and Angel. And they are really truly our angels and they are a real inspiration to us. When we were recording these messages, we knew we were really doing a really great job when they fell asleep and started snoring! Watch that on YouTube. :) Good night!"

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sleep Well - My Good Night Messages & My Inspirational Lullabies

Sleep Well with My Good Night Messages & My Inspirational Lullabies.

Do you or someone you know suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation?  Dr. Oz says that sleep deprivation affects millions of Americans every night and is a leading cause of health issues like obesity, heart disease and Diabetes.

Did you know that sleeping pills are among the most widely prescribed medications? As Dr. Oz points out, when it comes to getting a good night's sleep, this is not good news. According to researchers, a good night’s sleep includes transitions between light and deep sleep, which is absolutely crucial for replenishing brain cells and waking up feeling rejuvenated. Sleeping pills just make you flat out crash.

Robin Palmer - My Good Night Messages and My Inspirational Lullabies 

AND have you heard about one of the most commonly reported side effects, in addition to dependency? Brace yourself! – Users report sleep walking to the refrigerator and consuming everything in it while they are still asleep, or even worse, getting in their cars and sleep-driving to a convenience store and waking up once they have binged, wondering how the heck they got there. Yikes!

Psychoneurologist, Dr. Sylva Dvorak, and I have researched and created a safe and sound sleep solution - My Good Night Messages™ - patented nightly five-minute messages with simple sleep tips, tools, meditations AND My Inspirational Lullabies™!

Wow! So many of the lyrics to lullabies are negative – as in, “When the bow breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby, cradle and all,” and "Go tell Aunt Rodie the old gray goose is dead!”

Since we include music with all of
My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages, we wanted to include inspiring lullabies with My Good Night Messages™ , too. Since I couldn’t find uplifting lullabies, I wrote and recorded My Inspirational Lullabies™ – my new album of inspiring lullabies for dreamers of all ages, with musical arrangements by Sean Chen.
(I starred in Broadway musicals for 15 years before inventing My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages, so not to worry! :)) Listen to message samples at http://www.mygoodnightmessages.com
Enjoy the great night's sleep you've been dreaming of and deserve - safely and naturally - with My Good Night Messages™ and My Inspirational Lullabies™!

Robin B. Palmer
President; My Successables Inc.
My Wake UP Call®
Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages

PS - 
Listen to message samples at www.MyGoodNightMessages.com and spread the word to someone you know with sleep issues. You'll both be glad that you did! :)

Robin recently had the honor of performing a TEDxTalk - "Robin Palmer - The Most Important Minutes of Your Day." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3B02MNuAmQ

Patent # 8,064,295- Motivational Alarm: “Motivational Messages Plus Alarm, Not Restricted to Wake Up.” My Wake UP Call®  and Motivational Alarm Clock® are registered trademarks for My Wake UP Call owned by My Successables Inc. ©2012 My Successables Inc. All rights reserved...