Thank you to all of the Teleconference Call participants for an EXCELLENT Teleconference Call! The feedback has been outstanding! Thank you all!
John St. Augustine, MY WAKE UP CALL® Executive Producer, Interviewed Guest Mat Boggs, Award Winning Film Producer and Author on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 6pm PST (8pm CST 9pm EST) on our LIVE Tele-Conference Call, "My Wealthy Wake Up Call ™ Inspirational Interview!"
Mat shared how to wake up every morning feeling prosperous! Mat shared 7 tips on what you can do each morning to create prosperity in your life. He also shared valuable insights on the timeless wealth building classic, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.
FREE Months of My Wealthy Wake Up Call ™ Messages were given to the first 5 listeners who had a question for Mat to answer!
About Mat Boggs:
Mat Boggs is a certified Life Success Consultant, best-selling author, filmmaker, and radio show
host. He has co-authored the best-selling book, Project Everlasting, and is currently creating
Cracking the Man Code. Mat has appeared on dozens of national media venues including The
Today Show, CNN Headline News, Fox News and Good Morning America,
Awaken to your prosperity every day with messages based on The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. You'll be inspired to "go forth and prosper!
About John St. Augustine:
John St. Augustine is the Executive Producer of MY WAKE UP CALL® Motivational Alarm Clock Messages. He is the former long-time Senior Producer of Oprah Radio and the author and narrator of My
Power Thoughts Wake Up Call Messages.
About MY WAKE UP CALL® Motivational Alarm Clock Messages:
Now you can wake up each morning to uplifting messages, instead of that annoying buzzer or the “alarming” news on the radio! Research shows that your mindset upon awakening influences your perspective as your day progresses. My Wake Up Call ® specially formatted message structures awaken you each morning with positive energy!
Please contact us with any questions at