There are definite advantages to waking up and working out. First of all, we have a greater chance of actually working out before the day's schedule takes over. We will also receive an extra bonus by boosting our metabolisms as the day begins. We’ll think better, feel better and increase our metabolic rates right from the start. And the metabolic lift lasts for several hours!
We've probably all heard it said,"Fail to plan,...plan to fail." Here's a favorite workout success tool:
Keep a journal by your bed. Before you go to sleep at night, write down your workout commitment for the next morning. Plan your exercise program for the next morning; what you will do, when you will do it, and the length of time you'll workout. You can even sign your agreement with yourself, if you’d like. Then close your eyes and see yourself enjoying your workout, feeling proud of yourself! I’ve heard it said that everything happens twice! First, we conceive it, then we achieve it!
Enjoy waking up and working out!
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