Friday, April 4, 2014

It's Time for My Workout Wake UP Call - Motivational Alarm Clock Messages

Do you start your day feeling overwhelmed by the mounting list of items competing for your attention?

Do you end up putting your self-care and fitness at the end of your list?

Do you tell yourself you will try to fit in a workout once you complete your most pressing to do’s on your list? So did I!

It's time for
My Workout Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock®  Messages!

I invented them because I needed them myself! Thankfully, they have worked for me, and for our customers, who tell us that
My Workout Wake UP Call messages have changed their lives.  

Listen to My Workout Wake UP Call     message sample.  

My Workout Wake UP Call® are patented, specially structured, daily five-minute messages that help you to wake UP and workout, 'first thing in the morning, when it matters the most! 

Studies show that you have a much better chance of actually working out if you exercise first thing in the morning, before your schedule kicks in. You will also maximize your results, because you will speed up your metabolism for the day.

My Workout Wake UP Call messages include:
  • Gentle guided stretches in bed,
  • Exercise tips of the day,
  • Music to get dressed by
  • And a standing ovation – because you deserve it!
Listen to a message sample.

Enjoy waking up and working out! 

PS: Research shows that your morning mindset sets the tone for the rest of your day. Wake UP positively energized with My Workout Wake UP Call Mp3 downloads, CDs or iPhone App @iTunes.
Listen to a message sample.
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About My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages
Research shows that our minds are the most open and receptive during the first and last five minutes of the day, while in Alpha state. Longtime Broadway star, Robin (Boudreau) Palmer invented My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® Messages & My Good Night Messages™ - patented,  morning and evening  5-minute messages with renowned experts like HH the Dalai Lama, Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Jack Canfield and Marci Shimoff, The Secret’s Dr. Joe Vitale, and many others, which bookend every day inspired to create the life of your dreams, instead of with blaring buzzers and negative news.

As featured in SHAPE, SELF, Oxygen, Woman’s World, USA Today, on Fox TV, NBC TV & TEDx,  My Wake UP Call®, My Good Night Messages™ and My Inspirational Lullabies™ are instant downloads for all Smartphones, Tablets, iPods & on CDs. Listen to message samples @  My Wake UP Call® Motivational Alarm Clock® also has TEN iPhone Apps @iTunes @

Process Patent # 8,064,295 - Motivational Alarm: “Motivational Messages Plus Alarm, Not Restricted to Wake Up.” My Wake UP Call® and Motivational Alarm Clock® are 2 of 8 Registered Trademarks owned by My Successables™ Inc. ©2014 My Successables™ Inc. All messages and message formats are Copywritten. All Rights Reserved.